Euan Jupp

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The Benefits Of Meditation


Meditation and mindfulness provide immense benefits to our life in a busy world. Here is a simple encouragement to start a meditative life today.

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Meditation, in one form or another, has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years.

It can take a spiritual dimension as observed by religions over time in the disciplines of solitude and contemplative prayer to the more modern approach, sometimes referred to as ‘mindfulness’.

With many feeling the increased pressures of life, more people are realising the benefits of meditative practices and making meditation part of a routine, if not a daily practice.

The actual definition of meditation is not easy to state in an unequivocal manner as it is practiced in many ways to arrive at different ends.

Generically, we could describe it as a process that brings the individual to a state of inner peace, enabling one to remove superfluous thoughts and focus on one particular thing; some might describe mindfulness this way, focussing on the ‘now’ moment of what one is doing and being.

In religious traditions, meditation enables one to disregard the externals and to press into the internal, contemplative zone, where one tries to realise the imminence of God or the divine in a more tangible way.

Some feel that this is where God does connect, when we retire to solitude and intentionally let our thoughts dwell solely on the divine essence and work.

Whether you practice meditation for spiritual reasons or simply as quietening routine, it has long been acknowledged that any form of meditation brings numerous benefits to our lives.

We can reduce the stress levels we live under, increase self-awareness, improve our emotional wellbeing, reduce sleep disorders and high blood pressure among other documented benefits.

But regular meditation can also lead to changes in the brain structure and how we think and therefore how we ultimately live according to our expanded belief system.

As in all things in life, change starts in our mindeset and believing we can do something. Do all you can to invest in things that work at shifting your mindset positively, to a state of renewed thinking; things that make for a better ‘YOU’

As I always say: "Grow Yourself. Grow The World."

#meditation #health #mindset #wellbeing 



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