

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic approach that can bring about effective and permanent positive change to people experiencing negative conditions in both body and mind that have impacted on a full and normal living experience.

It can really give you your life back if you suffer from any of these conditions:

  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Phobias & Fears
  • Self-Confidence
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Self-Image
  • Addictions
  • Weight Control
  • Chronic Pain
  • Public Speaking
  • Depression
  • IBS
  • Grief
  • Bereavement
  • Increased Focus
  • PTSD
  • Insomnia
  • Sports Performance
  • Panic Attacks

How It Works

Our minds are complicated, well-researched but much still to discover in terms of how they function and direct our thoughts and behaviours.

What is understood is that our minds are working on two simultaneous levels; the conscious and the subconscious. Our day to day decisions and actions are typically driven by the conscious side, always analysing and filtering our responses in real-time as data comes in.

However, the conscious mind is not the real driving force of why you do what you do most of the time. Much of life is lived from automatic programming that most of the time we are not aware of (conscious of) and this is the subsconscious part of us.

About 95% of our lives are run on auto-pilot courtesy of our subconscious programming. These are pre-defined behaviours responding to the external world, much of these learnt earlier in life.

The Good News

Whilst some of these subconscious behaviours are beneficial to us, many can impair us living life to the full as they represent limiting or untrue beliefs. These wrong beliefs can persist over a lifetime and never be detected or discerned as primary causes for dysfunctionality in our lives.

The good news is that if the subsconscious mind is accessed, it can be rewired to function differently, to remove those false beliefs and create instead, new beliefs and thus new positive, empowering beliefs to realise the life you want for yourself.

This rewiring of the subconscious mind is the core work of Hypnotherapy and is accessible to you today to get your life back or create the life you have always wanted.

Let's Connect

It may be a phobia or a fear, a bad habit or anxiety and high stress levels that are impacting your life negatively at the moment.

Chronic pain, struggling to maintain a healthy weight or a confident self-belief to get through the day. Whatever it is you are going through, Hypnotherapy can provide a simple yet powerful solution, giving you the outcome you need right now.

Don't suffer; don't believe that what you are going through has to be a burden you need to carry for the rest of your life. There is an alternative....and it's called Hypnotherapy With Euan!

Take action now. Be free to create life on your terms!