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How To Manifest What You Want: The Essentials


The 2 essentials you need to develop if you are to manifest successfully the things you want in life

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In this video: I talk about the 2 essentials you need to develop if you are to manifest successfully the things you want in life.

These are: Our imagination and our emotions.

I explain how to employ these two things together in a way that feeds the subconscious mind directives for the things we seek.

Once our subsconscious mind engages with our clear intentions from our imagination and emotions, it is then primed to bring about the reality we want to create.

Just starting out on your manifestation journey or started but failing? I believe this video will help clarify important principles and get you manifesting quickly; the next time, every time!

Follow Euan on YouTube for helpful video content.

#imagination #manifesting #reality 



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