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Freedom From Anxiety
About: Anxiety is experienced by many people today and its impact on health and outlook on life can be devastating. This guided meditation will reduce stress and offer you freedom from your anxiety.
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Delivery: Instant access, digital download
Sample: Freedom From Anxiety
Product Description
Do you ever catch yourself talking like this:
"What if this thing happens?" or "What if that event takes place?"
Most of what you fear will never happen. Believing it will, creates a huge amount of unnecessary anxiety in your life.
Anxiety is experienced by many people today and it's impact on quality of life and mental health is devastating.
If you suffer from chronic anxiety or are just overwhelmed with all that's going on around you, there's a way out!
Freedom From Anxiety is a guided, hypnotic meditation created by me that reduces stress levels and offers you freedom from your anxieties.
Living free from stress and worry is crucial to your health, physically and mentally.
You owe it to yourself and others you love, to overcome this once and for all. And you can, now.
Find relief TODAY with this stress-relieving guided meditation from Euan that will install new, empowering beliefs in your subconscious mind to finally overcome unnecessary anxiety in your life. For good!
Help: Listen to this guided meditation every day for 21 days for maximum transformational impact. .
Duration: 15:45
Rating: 5/5
"Beautiful, loved this and just a wave of happiness that made me feel that everything will be alright and I can live without the things that have been the cause of a lot of personal stress." - Diane C