
"You're one step away from creating your very own unique coaching brand!"

I was expecting you...

You made it here. You were supposed to be here. That's how the Universe works. Nothing by chance, all by manifest intention.

My name is Euan and this is my life mission: "I help people build a unique, life-changing coaching brand around their passion that creates financial freedom and personal fulfilment."

I have over 20 years in entrepreneurship, leadership, communication, spiritual communities and driving 7 figure businesses in multi-sectors.

I want to share everything I know that has worked for me during this time just with you, to build your coaching business and to develop you as an unique individual.

You truly are a niche of one!

Having had the privilege of seeing Euan in action both as a business leader and coach, I can attest to the profound impact he has on those around him.

Time To Awaken The Coaching Giant Within!

Ever thought about just following your heart and helping others in a way that you know only you can?

If you're the person people come to first for help, you're already 'coaching'.

When you think about helping and guiding others, passion and a sense of calling rises up in you.

You come alive when you think about transformation in others and want to be a channel for life change, a soul guide for enlightenment.

If this resonates with you, perhaps now is the time to go all-in and follow your heart and dream.

But there is a proven way to get you off on the right track, avoiding costly mistakes of time and money; a blueprint that is the foundation of a long-term coaching business that will give you, and those who are called to help and empower, life-changing transformation!

What does your instinct shout to you right now? Ready to start your unique coaching brand today?

Whatever it is you have, the world needs it so badly right now. When you work out your desire to empower others with better living, we all benefit. As an individual grows, we all grow as we all share the same humanity.

And that's what I want to unpack with you right now because the world is waiting for you to come alive to your passion and I'm here to show you how to kick-off your passion and get it right from the start and REALLY ENJOY the whole process!

I have personally experienced more clarity, purpose, and enhanced skills. Euan's coaching approach goes beyond conventional methods; it's a personalised journey that really helped me to find, believe and connect with my potential.

Here's What We're Going To Do

We will identify what it is exactly that makes you come alive and the things that you can best turn into an opportunity to empower others with transformation.

If you are not quite sure how to best express the passion inside and how/where to channel it, that's cool! We will dive in and extract what it really is you feel you were born to do. We all have a calling, something that is greater than ourselves to live for. It's within you....and we are going to bring it out!

Perhaps you have already launched into doing part-time coaching and have settled on where your heart lies; great! We will take it from there and see if what you are working with is viable, that there is a demand for it and if it is ultimately scaleable.

Based on this comprehensive review, I will put down a customised, unique program for you to achieve the outcomes you want based on key markers and actions for getting traction and starting on getting your ideal coaching clients and then rapidly increasing the monthly financial bottom-line.

This will be a clear, unambiguous roadmap with defined tasks, actionable steps, timeframes and accountability to accomplish all that is needed in your unique program to hit the agreed outcomes.

Building your unique coaching brand is based around my Accelerated Growth Program, that covers the key areas of business that provide lead and sales growth, rapidly scaling up profits and ultimately creating a lifestyle where your business is serving you, not the other way around. It also, develops you and your belief systems, without which you cannot expand into the space you desire to fill.

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What sets you (Euan) apart is not just your business sense, but your dedication to nurture and develop others to set up coaches for success.

Some (But Not All) Of The Areas Covered

  • Total analysis of proposed coaching audience for viability
  • Ideal client identification and acquisition.
  • Marketing strategies for target audience
  • Power Lead generation
  • Best advertising methods; organic and paid ads
  • Optimising your coaching business for social media positioning
  • Creation of coaching programs offering monthly recurring income and high-ticket offers
  • Super dialling-in your offer around your product/service/offer
  • Public message shaping to create compelling content and calls to action
  • Lead Magnets to build your email marketing list for future offers and events
  • Creatives for platforms your ideal clients are active on like Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, etc.
  • Developing the whole flow from Capture -> Conversation -> Conversion -> Transformation
  • Business mindset, values and beliefs for personal development integrated with business goal achievement.

This is a Done With You program. I do not do the work for you; you put the time and action in and are held accountable for every thing that happens over the next 3 months.

What works and is scaleable, we build into the program. What doesn't work, we eliminate. This is all about being utterly pragmatic and using only what serves you and your growth goals best.

It is not a cookie-cutter approach, a one-size-fits-all template. It is fitted to what YOU need at this time, to get from your current situation to the ideal state you envision; Fast A->B Transformation.

If you want something unique to you, this is for you.

Ultimately, working with me is NOT 'to make a living', or 'to get by', but to define and implement a coaching business model that creates an amazing lifestyle for you, one in which the coaching business serves you, not vice-versa.

You can define these ideal outcomes as more time to be with friends and family, financial security, passive recurring income, freedom to travel more, etc.

A coaching business in which you determine the hours you work, who you work with and the means to get the outcomes you want in life.

Or put it another way, living life on your terms.

It is important you own every aspect of your coaching business. Buying in at a 100% level will maximise the success rate to get the ideal outcomes you desire.

His coaching program is not a dry curriculum; it's like a journey of inner transformation that equipped me to become really empowered to bring positive change to others. I don't want go back to what I was before!

In A Nutshell

  • The Game Plan for creation, growth, sales and profit
  • Actionable takeaways
  • Doable tasks to implement
  • Accountability for each task towards the agreed goals
  • A scaleable business model
  • My 100% commitment to you achieving
  • Highly focussed mindset to get the results you want in business and life; life on your terms


What You Will Not Get:

  • Being passed off to other people. I, Euan, will be with you through all the stages of our journey together.
  • A guarantee of success, cancellation or refund. If we work together, I am invested in you & your success. But I'm not responsible for it. My job is to empower you, not make you co-dependent on me. From experience working with others, the one thing that exponentially increases your chances of success is: extreme ownership of your coaching business & the anticipated results. This is who I best can help and love to work with!


At The End Of 3 Months

  • Qualified leads from razor-sharp offers.
  • Increased sales from the ideal customer matched with your irresistable offer.
  • Higher profit margins allowing you to keep more rather than giving away more than you should.
  • Vastly improved marketing and creatives focussed on the market buyers you want to engage in.
  • Clear and powerful messaging.
  • Integration of scheduling, payment gateway and online meeting tools.
  • A scaleable business that can leverage all the best parts to become a 7 figure business with consistent future growth
  • Sellable programs for monthly recurring revenue and high-ticket offers
  • Confident communicator
  • A coaching business you absolutely love to work in and with the people you have a passion to serve best.
  • Personal development of you as a business owner and human being, without limiting beliefs able to define and achieve the results you want in life, any time, every time.

If you action all that we agree and are accountable for, you shouldn't need me any more after the 3 months. I am about empowering people to do things for themselves, not to do just enough that you have to be dependant upon me for 'hidden extras'.

I do have long-term coaching clients and if there are other bigger goals you want to talk about, great, let's discuss them after this.

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So How Does It Work?

  • Full Game plan call to identify niche of passion and formulate an irresistable growth plan for next 12 weeks and beyond.
  • Private access to both shared and unique content created by me around the topics you need to develop for the agreed outcomes to get your unique coaching brand firmly established.
  • Media such as video, podcasts, audio, downloads, worksheets, etc, that will give you the tools and resources needed to achieve.
  • Weekly 60 minute call to set new milestones and previous ones for accountability.
  • WhatsApp access Mon-Fri daytime.
  • Email support from me whenever you need it to troubleshoot or get feedback.
  • Group Webinars and Zoom meet-ups on key business development topics.


Why I Am Offering This

I am privileged to have benefitted from working with some truly amazing people who have been responsible for getting me next-level results in life, and to have driven businesses that I have really enjoyed being part of.

I am still being coached by those ahead of me and without doubt, this has been a major factor in my personal and business development that I want to model to others, because coaching works. Period.

I want to package up this experience and wide skill stack to help others like you who are where I was a few years ago, to help them create a dream coaching business and unique brand that provides you with a lifestyle of freedom, purpose and building a better world. We owe it to each other to do this.

I believe when I help others to develop themselves, I make the world a better place for all of us. That's what drives me and gets me up in the morning. We can grow a wonderful, flourishing world if we commit to doing our utmost to grow ourselves and others.

If you believe that there is something resonating with you right now, a deep energy challenging you to rise up and be an Action-Taker to just do what's on your heart, then schedule a call with me below.

It is hugely fulfilling for me to be able to deliver a high-impact program such as this!

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Are you ready to do the thing you were born to do and give it 110% and more?

*Program spaces subject to availability and suitability.



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